Profile and Settings

How do I delete my account?

Leaving already? Alright then: Hit the profile icon on the top left corner and select Settings > Account > Privacy > Delete my profile. Deleting your account will irreversibly and permanently delete all your matches, chats and settings. Please keep in mind that you won’t be able to log in to this account ever again. Important: Deleting the app doesn’t delete your account!

If you don’t want to lose all your matches and conversations but want to stay hidden for a while, you can use the option to freeze your profile. This way all your data will stay in the app for you to come back, but your profile won’t be shown to anyone while you’re gone. You can freeze your account in Settings > Account > Privacy > Delete my profile > Freeze my profile.

If you don’t have access to the app and wish to delete your account, an alternative method is available via email. Simply send a request to our support team at with the subject line “Account Deletion Request”. Ensure that you use the email address linked to your account for verification purposes. Our support team will assist you through the account deletion process, prioritizing the security of your request.